At Abide, our hope is to pursue being a knit-together church, not a sit-together church
A sit-together church:
Enjoys foyer conversations, but goes no deeper than that.
Enjoys familiar conversation, but not unfamiliar ones.
Shows up sporadically on Sundays, mainly when it is most convenient.
Sees church as a requirement and less of a benefit.
A knit-together church:
Sees the imperative need for consistent community.
Gives time to Jesus-centered community throughout the week.
Sees church as a family they belong to, not just a service they attend.
Joyfully follows Jesus’ example in serving others.

“I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself.”
Colossians 2:2
Sunday Gatherings
At Abide, we believe that we are called to worship, grow, and be encouraged in the context of a loving church community. Come along 30 minutes before our service start time to grab a coffee, check in your kids, and meet some friendly faces ready to welcome you with open arms!